Friday, June 22, 2007

pelangi.. pelangi..

dalam seminggu ni.. u can sing the hujung-hujung part of lagu yang mommy taught u..

"pelangi, pelangi.." (you will say ngiiii...)
"alangkah indahmu.." (you will say muuu.. )
"merah, kuning, hijau..." (you will say jauuuu..)
"di langit yang biru... " (you will say iwuuuu...)
"pelukis mu agung.. " (you will say guuu...)
"siapa yang gambar..." (you will say ambar...)
"pelangi ciptaan...allahuakbar" (you will say awa akbar.. just after i said ciptaan...)

pandai anak mommy sing sekarang nie...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


last sunday - 10 June 2007, we went to tg sedili.. actually kawan-kawan daddy nak pi fishing.. so daddy yang sah-sah memang bukan kaki pancing bawak je lah kawan-kawan daddy tu kat uncle bahrin's place.. kawasan perikanan tg sedili.. haritu a'an demam.. sian anak mommy..
all the way pakai "kool fever".. bertempek jek kat kepala.. makan pon tak nak.. minum susu pun sikit je.. malam tu kita makan kat satu gerai tu, and it seems like u saw something yang biasanya orang tua tak nampak. You've got scacred and peluk daddy kuat-kuat sambil sembunyikan muka kat bahu daddy.. puas suruh daddy baca ayat qursi & selawat.. lepas tu barulah ok sikit dan berani nak ikut mommy.. sian anak mommy..

ooo.. and dah dua tiga hari ni.. u can say "mommyyy..."

terharu sangat..

Friday, June 8, 2007

main buai...

ilhan in pyjama..

suka.. nangis.. suka

outdated photos..

ilhan in tesco's trolley

ilhan & daddy at La Stella..

ilhan munsieff's faces with hoody sweater..


inilah favorite past-time kalau duduk dalam bilik mommy & daddy..

Your vocab .. at 1 year 6 months old..

As of today, these are additional words in your vocabulary..

1. Moonnn... (now you can say moon correctly)
2. Arii.. (whenever you sees lorry)
3. Nanak.. (when you don't want something)
4. Aminnn... (when you say "amin" sambil sapu tangan kat muka.. daddy tought you this)
5. baca al-fatihah hujung-hujungnye bila mummy bacakan al-fatihah..
6. recite "bismillahirrahmanirrahim..." with weird sounds ..

Monday, June 4, 2007

at last..

sorry for not posting anything.. mommy's company has banned the usage of blog.. luckily it is accessible sometimes.. this is the first time i tested whether i can log in or not.. yup..!! i am sucessfull.. there's a lot of things that we had done for the couple of months ago.. here are some of the activities..

19th May 2007 - went back to daddy's hometown,'s k. sue's wedding...

26th May 2007 - went to's k. sue's wedding.. bridegroom's side..